
Time In Malaysia

Monday, September 16, 2019

Interpretive Talk and Presentation Techniques

1. Describe what is interpretive talk.

  • Interpretive talk is creating opportunities for the audience to form their own intellectual and emotional connections with meanings or significance inherent in the resource.

2. Explain the examples of interpretive talk and presentation techniques

Interpretive Talk

a) Promoting product

- Promoting product by face to face interaction with customer is one of interpretive talk that needs training and skill in communication to enhance our selling

Presentation Techniques

b) Visual style  

With this speaking style, you might need to work a little harder to get your audience engaged, but the dividends can be huge for strong public speakers, visionaries, and storytellers.

3. Give an example of interpretive presentation tools and how to apply interpretive presentation tools for different audience and resources. 

Interpretive presentation tools

 a) Prezi 

-  Prezi lets track the presentation’s performance by displaying an analytics of the viewers                     including what attracted them the most. Using Prezi it is more suitable to engaged with a                     young audience because it is more attractive and the resources can more easy to                                   understands. 

b) Visme 

- Make visual stories using stunning presentations and infographics with Visme. For                              Visme the audience are more to present a product to a company. Visme lets presenter                            express thoughts in an interactive way and transform boring data into interesting stories.

c) Picktochart

- Piktochart lets you create infographics, which are presentable as slideshows. It is use                            in a board meeting and more able to present a status of financial statement in an                                    organization because it can show a graph in the presentation. 

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