
Time In Malaysia

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tutorial to make a widget

A) Songs

- First, search and choose the top first result
- Search your song at the search bar 
- Click at the picture of your song to get their URL Link and copy the link
- go to your blog and click layout then click add a gadget
- At the HTML click the + symbol
- add title and paste your link songs below. Then, click SAVE and  save arrangement. 

B) Archieve

- At your dashboard blog click LAYOUT 
- Click ADD A GADGET at the side bar-right 1
- Then, click blog archieve
- Click + symbol 
- Put a tittle for your archieve and click SAVE.

C) Clock

- At gallery choose your favourite types of  clock
- Then, choose your favourite and click get free clock
- Then you have to click accept to their terms 
- choose your clock colour and change to SELECT BY CITY. And copy the link below.
-Click LAYOUT and choose HTML then click + symbol 
- Enter the title and the copy link
- Then save it.

c) Followers 

- Sign in your blog
- At your dashboard blog click LAYOUT
- Then, at side bar click ADD A GADGET
- Click THE + symbol at FOLLOWER 
- Add your tittle and click SAVE

d) Chat Box

- First, google CBOX LIVE CHAT
- Then, insert your email address
- Insert your details in create box then click create a box
- Copy the URL Link
- Sign in blog then click LAYOUT
- At side bar click ADD A GADGET
- Click + symbol at HTML then paste the copy link 
- Last click SAVE

e) Link Within 

- Google
- Insert your details and click GET WIDGET
- Then click INSTALL WIDGET 
- Select your a blog and tittle then  click ADD A WIDGET

- Then click SAVE.

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